
The Alternatives
Web server in the Cloud, accessible from anywhere
Web server in local software or hardware, only accessible from LAN unless infrastructure changes are made
Data sent to Internet using HTTP and HTTPs. No firewall changes, static IP, DMZ, or VPN necessary.
Firewall changes, static IP, DMZ, VPN or other security hole required to let remote users in to server
Multiple remote users don't affect internal SCADA system
Multiple users drain internal SCADA system resources
Hackers have no access to internal SCADA system
Exposed to hackers. Even simple DOS attacks will affect internal SCADA
Custom designed screens using drag & drop HMI controls
Prebuilt dashboards with limited configuration options or coding necessary
Javascript controls work in most every browser including the iPhone, iPad and other mobile devices
Flash or Java widgets require plugin and have limited browser support

Contact us for a demonstration and consultation